Monday, June 30, 2008


Please take the time to vote in my Poll about plagiarism - I am alwyas interested in professional feedback! If there is another option you would like me to consider other than the four that are there, please let me know!


scribbler said...

thank goodness for your final choice in the pole. One issue for those of us being polled is whether any of the options fit. the business of consequences is the most tricky of all.

Thanks very much for inspiring us to look at polls. I would be glad to know how you did this. Does blogger make it quite easy?

One suggestion for the layout. I find that dark colors make some parts of the text hard to read. for example, the material around the poll when i hit "see results"

This is great fun. I wonder what you might find out if you were to open up the blog and get hits from around the province.

scribbler said...

Here's an interesting poll question: What percentage of your assignments in the senior division (11/12) might be plagiarized?

Tina's Brock Blog said...

Putting a poll on your blog is terribly technically advanced for someone like me. I'm impressed. I sometimes wonder if options for consequences for plagiarism should be different in junior and senior grades. Should the consequences be more severe in junior grades to deter the practice in the more impressionable years? Should the consequences be more severe in senior grades because they've had so many years of warnings and instruction? I'm undecided as to how I see this question, but I wonder what others think.