Monday, June 30, 2008


Please take the time to vote in my Poll about plagiarism - I am alwyas interested in professional feedback! If there is another option you would like me to consider other than the four that are there, please let me know!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Plagiarism and Policies

In my high school, there is a clear stance on the issue of plagiarism, and the policy regarding its definition and consequences are outlined specifically in the Student Handbook. This is a small book that serves as a hall pass, organizer, day planner, etc, and also contains all the policies and procedures of the school in the front. All students receive this on Day One. In summary, it outlines that plagiarism is borrowing or stealing the ideas of others, be they professional, published works or another students creation. As a professional, I believe this is a standard definition for all schools across the country. A few problems that I see fall under the category of consequence and consistency.

The Handbook outlines that a mark of zero is to be given for the plagiarized assignment, or the student must resubmit another, original assignment. It is really left up to the discretion of the teacher, which can be problematic in terms of consistency. If one teacher awards a zero and the mark stands, and another allows the student to resubmit, it can send a mixed message about the results of academic dishonesty.

A Policy that our department has adopted was one that I myself created after an instance of 6 senior students plagiarized a Hamlet assignment. As a teacher, I feel that consequences for plagiarism should involve the student. I created the Zero Form, which has the school letterhead and contains a brief paragraph about the mark that is being given and the assignment it is given to. The students are then provided with 6 options that consititute why they may be receiving the zero. Two of them are Plagiarism, one being form another student, one from an outside or published source. They must pick the one that applies to them. This is signed by myself, the student, and the parents. All of our department has started to use this, and it allows the students to feel responsible, included, but also accountable.

In terms of resubmission, out department usually stands firm that the mark will be given and kept, but we all have supplementary tasks that can be given to the student to make the grade up, which is a different task than the one they plagiarized. I believe this is also a sound practice, because the student is still allowed to academically grow, but also sends the message that cheating on a certain assignment has lasting consequences.

A wonderful site I plan to implement into my courses is at the link below:

I found it to be a comprehensive site that addresses this issue, but it is also easy to navigate and clear in its definitions and ideas. It answers any questions students may have, especially the ever challenging "what constitutes plagiarism."

Hope this is helpful - please give me feedback on the site or my policy :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Hello Everyone! I thought I would take this time to tell you a bit more about me.

I am 29 years old and I live in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. I am a Secondary school teacher, and I teach English primarily, and I can also teach Drama. I currently teach at Saint Paul high school in the Falls, and I have been teaching for 4 years.

I have a passion for literature and the arts, and I hope that this blog will help you follow me on my path to obtain a Specialists title.

I believe the study of English is a study in communication, expression, history, and self. Exploring the written texts of the past and present shape the way we see ourselves and the globe we tread on, and it is a discipline I love to teach.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, movies, spending time with friends and family, and music!

Nice to meet you! Read on....

My First Post!

I am so excited to be posting my first post!

As an English geek, I realize that the words "first" and "post" can be considered an oxymoron (think about it) and other than that I'll keep this short.

This creation of a blog has been so easy and effortless! I hope the rest of my colleagues have the same ease!

I'll be back tea is ready :)